Franca: They are selling their girlfriends
They are selling their girlfriends
"The most difficult part was when they were selling women. Because on that journey, you can’t trust anybody.The man you travel with could sell you. The man you’re together with, the man you marry and sleep with, he can just wake up, change his mind and listen to advice from friends. This woman you’re sleeping with and lives in your house, why don’t you sell her for 4,000 Libyan dinars?”
"Nigerians have a mind of their own. If you tell them not to go, they’ll say you’ve been there, and you’re telling us not to go? If the journey was bad, why didn’t you come back? Seeing is believing, but before they realise that, it will be too late.Many die along the way, and those who manage to reach their destination are very few.”